Modal verbs

We live in a society that there are rules, and normally that rules should be unbreakable. In english we can express that rules and similar things with the use of modal verbs. Let’s see how we can use that.The modal verbs means several things except a verb. A modal verb can’t be an action, an auxiliary but it can be a permission, ability, obligation, etc.

The modal verbs are:

  • Could
  • Can
  • Should
  • May
  • Might
  • Must
  • Would
  • Have to

The structure of all modal verbs is:

Affirmative: Subject + Modal verb + Verb + Complement.

Negative:      Subject + Modal verb + Not + Verb + Complement.

Interrogative: Modal verb + Subject + Verb + Complement + ?

The modal verb in affirmative and negative form always is before the verb and after the subject, in interrogative form the modal verb exchange with the subject. Now see an examples.

  • She must go to the doctor after that blow
  • They would not run if the floor was wet.
  • Should you forgive your brother?

Probably you don’t know when useshould, might or the rest of modal verbs, so here is the use of all modal verbs: 



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